Spring welcomes two new NERC PostDocs to the group!
Following a busy year of grant capture, the MEFGL welcomes two new NERC Post Doctoral researchers to the group.
Dr. Mat Seymour, joining us from the States will feature as the lead PDRA in the 4 year Highlight Topic eDNA:LOFRESH project (http://mefgl.bangor.ac.uk/news/can-we-use-edna-as-an-environmental-magnifying-glass-24870) and Dr. Georgina Brennan arrives after recently finishing her PhD in the University of Edinburgh and will be the lead PDRA on the 3 year NERC Pollen, Human Health grant (http://mefgl.bangor.ac.uk/news/new-1-2m-nerc-grant-aims-to-revolutionise-pollen-forecasting-24704).
Si Creer is the Principal Investigator on both eDNA projects and joins the rest of the group in welcoming Mat and Georgina to the team and wishes them the very best for some exciting science ahead!
Publication date: 19 April 2016