Fully funded PhD available: Fish eDNA and ecological health
FISHeEST – Using fish environmental DNA to assess the biodiversity and ecological status of estuarine ecosystems.
We are delighted to report that we have another PhD opportunity available to work in the expanding area of environmental DNA (eDNA) biodiversity analysis. Over the past few years, a number of academics in the UK have been working closely with UK stakeholder groups, including Natural Resources Wales to identify breakthrough areas where the use of eDNA will help with monitoring of ecological status, non-native invasive species and conservation priority species. The newly available PhD will focus on one such breakthrough area, in the use of eDNA analysis to assess the health of ecologically important estuarine habitats and compare with more traditional methods of assessment. The PhD is funded by the second phase of Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships (KESSII), a major European Convergence programme led by Bangor University on behalf of the Welsh higher education sector. For full details, including the science, collaborative team, eligibility and how to apply, please visit the KESSII Scholarships portal to FindAPhD.
Annual Stipend: £14, 340; closing date for applications: 20th August 2017 with interviews predicted to take place in the first week of September and the studentship to start 1st October.
Publication date: 31 July 2017